Friday, July 13, 2012

Family Picnic Part 2

Every year we have a large group shot in front of our stone gazebo. We center the over 65 year olds in chairs and we collect around them. It awesome comparing pictures from over the years seeing how our family grew, who made the trek up and who has passed. It’s a great wordless definition of family, accept you for who you are, tolerate you, warm your heart but drive you nuts at the same time. Yes, we are an interesting bunch, but we wouldn’t have it any other way! 
Here are a few from years past.
This year’s shot

The Montecalvo Elders........

.........from here our family grew with love, tears, prayers and everything in between! This picture holds so much, its from a few years back, half have passed but we carry them in our hearts everyday and it shows us we better strive to be our best. 
Nonnie's children, John, mom, Peter, Francesca
Nonnie's sister, Aunt Ann's children: Angela, Paul, Fran & Skip
Let's call this group the third generation  
Claudia's, Frank's, Fran's, Peter's, Paul's and John's offspring!

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